The Gospel & Social Media

UntitledI am sitting here in my home office preparing to preach this message at Southern Calvert Baptist Church this coming Sunday. I am so excited to have the opportunity to share God’s Word with His people. Have you ever thought about how you could use Social Media to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

In our church this coming Sunday, there will probably be between 300 and 350 people in attendance. According to the latest statistics, there are 2.3 billion people on the Social Media platform known as Facebook. The average Facebook user spends 35 minutes a day on Facebook. The average Facebook user has about 155 friends on Facebook. If each of the 300 people in attendance this coming Sunday were to share Gospel via Facebook, on Sunday, we could potentially reach 46,500 people with the Gospel. There are 8 billion video views a day on Facebook so simply sharing the live sermon during the service has the chance of being seen multiple times among the 8 billion views that day. Why do so few Christians share the Gospel on Social Media? Continue reading