Fulfill your ministry

external-content.duckduckgo.comA couple of nights ago, we finished up our Second Timothy Bible study that we began in the Fall. I love studying the Apostle Paul’s second epistle to his protege, Timothy. I learn something new every single time I open up this epistle and study it. I have written many articles on this epistle. Continue reading

Difficult Days are here

toughtimesI was encouraged by our lesson on the Apostle Paul’s second epistle to his best disciple, Timothy. It was a sobering lesson because of the nature of it. I believe that it is a necessary lesson for our modern world. Our time was spent studying chapter three of the epistle. Chapter three has a shocking beginning. Continue reading

The POWER of the Word of God

60854458c4d1acdf4e1c2f79c4137142d85d78e379bdafbd69bd34c85f5819adLast night I had the privilege of teaching the Apostle Paul’s second epistle to his beloved disciple, Timothy. The lesson was based on chapter two. The previous lesson was also based on chapter two on the importance of entrusting the Word of God to faithful people. Second Timothy is a treatise on discipleship. According to Paul in his famous epistle to the Romans, he declared: Continue reading

Entrust the Gospel to faithful people

hard-workLast night, I had the privilege of studying the second chapter of the Apostle Paul’s second epistle to his beloved disciple, Timothy. The previous lesson was from chapter one and the theme was about retaining the standard of the Gospel. As followers of Jesus Christ, we are challenged to reach out to others and help them up to the standard of the Gospel. We live in a society that encourages us to lower the standard to the lowest common denominator. This is a disastrous ideology because it kills incentive. Instead, we are to attain the standard of the Gospel and give a hand up to others so that they can attain the standard as well. In this lesson, we are going to discover the secret to entrusting the Gospel to faithful people who will also retain the standard of the Gospel as they teach others to do the same. Here is just a quick testimony from one of the students who attended last night’s lesson. Continue reading

Retain the Standard

raisin10My wife and I are teaching a Bible study on Saint Paul’s second epistle (letter) to his beloved disciple, Timothy. This is Paul’s final letter. He has served the Lord faithfully for many years. He has made many disciples and seen many new churches planted. He has run his race and he is finishing well. Not all of his disciples were faithful to the high calling of following Jesus Christ. Many had turned away from Paul in some of his most difficult times. Timothy, on the other hand, has stood beside his mentor faithfully. The entire epistle teaches followers of Christ how to guard the treasure of the Gospel. Chapter one teaches that part of guarding the treasure of the Gospel is maintaining the standard of the Gospel. We live in an age where we are constantly told to lower the bar to the lowest common denominator. We see this in our public schools with the no child left behind policy. Continue reading

Pharaoh’s response to God’s Great Calling

PharaohAngryIn the last article, we looked at Moses’ response to God’s Great Calling. He heard the calling and entered into a personal relationship with God. Then, Moses was taught by God, what he should say, to whom, and why. Moses had the privilege of joining in on God’s plan for the ages; he called people who were enslaved and oppressed to enter into a personal relationship with God and begin to worship and serve Him. This Creator God will set them free from their slavery and oppression so that they can have a relationship with Him seen through their worship and service. Moses’ sin nature caused him to be afraid and make excuses but, God taught him how to overcome his fear. God also taught Moses the importance of being part of a team. In this lesson, we are going to focus on a different reaction to God’s Great Calling. This lesson’s subject is Pharaoh. He has an opportunity to interact with the God of the universe, just as Moses did, yet, his response is far different from the response that Moses manifested. Our text for this lesson is Exodus 7. Take a moment to read the passage in its entirety and then we can discuss. Continue reading

God’s Plan for spiritual growth

I am preparing to teach a review lessons to my 2nd grade Sunday School class. We have spent the last 5 walks walking with the Apostle Paul on his missionary journeys. We left him in Rome, serving the Lord until his death. As we review this week, I thought that this would be the best lesson to teach because in this lesson, we discover the secret to Paul’s success in the ministry. There are many methods and books out there today that deal with ministry, leadership, church planting, missions, etc. I want to take a look at the Book of books on ministry, leadership, church planting, missions, etc., the Bible. Continue reading

Paul’s Plan to make disciples

time-management-imageI love to study and teach on the vibrant life and ministry of the Apostle Paul. He was a man who brought the Gospel to the Gentiles. I am a benefactor of his life and ministry. Paul was a disciple making machine and I want to examine his methods to see what I can learn from him about ministry and fulfilling the Great Commission of making disciples over the course of my lifetime.  Continue reading

Appreciate your spiritual leaders

thank-you-card-lettering-leo-gomezI just listened to a wonderful sermon preached by my mentor, Vasile Filat. I am currently listening to it again so that I can translate it into English for this article so that you can be blessed by it the way that I was.

How much do you appreciate your spiritual leaders? Do you have spiritual leaders/mentors? God has orchestrated the Christian life to be one of a person having a mentor, being  a mentee, and then becoming a mentor while still being mentored. This process is laid out for us in Matthew 28. We see it explained by the Apostle Paul in II Timothy 2:2. Paul was mentored by Jesus. Paul mentors Timothy. As Timothy is being mentored, he begins to mentor others. Those whom Timothy mentors begin to mentor others. Jesus –> Paul –> Timothy –> new disciples –> their disciples. Unfortunately, there are many in the church who have never experienced God’s amazing plan of being discipled. Even if you do not have a direct mentor, you have a spiritual leader if you are part of a local church. Paul explains this in Ephesians 4. The spiritual leaders pour into the lives of the members and the members serve one another and together, reach out to the community to make disciples. Continue reading

Gifts and the Gospel

I am speaking tonight at a dinner held at our church for the volunteers who serve with Angel Tree ministries. I am excited about the work that has been done and that is being done through this ministry. As a church, we challenge members to purchase gifts to give to needy families during the Christmas holidays. Gift giving is a Biblical concept because God, based on His nature, is a Giver. He gives gifts to men. Jesus, when He walked this earth, He gave gifts to men, with a very specific purpose. The purpose of giving is to open the door to the message of the Gospel. When Jesus did things for people, when He met their pressing needs, He immediately followed up the good deed with spiritual teaching.

There is a principle found in Proverbs 18:16 about the importance of gift giving: Continue reading