Why did God create SEX?

21837_1000xI am sure that the title caught your attention. Many people have many different views on the sexual relationship. Today, there is much confusion on the subject. Confusion exists in society as well as in the church. I recently taught on this subject in a foreign country and I was surprised to find that much of the confusion that we face in our country is faced in other countries as well. In order to answer the question posed in the title of this article, we need to open up the Word of God. The Bible has been called God’s “Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth”. We need to discover why God created sex so that we can enjoy it the way that God intended. It is a beautiful gift from God but, it must be kept in its proper context. Continue reading

Kim Davis, Marriage, the Church, and the lost world

Well, I thought I would finally weigh in on the gay marriage ordeal. We are seeing the ramifications of an unjust “law” forced upon the majority of the people, based on judicial activism. Kim Davis is in the spotlight at the moment. There are 3 major reactions that people seem to have regarding this case.

I. The secular view

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Immorality destroys a nation

Unless you have been living under a rock for the past 60 years, you know that the rate of immorality has grown exponentially. Immorality has existed since the fall of mankind into sin. The difference is the acceptance of immorality in society. The acceptance of immorality is a process. It culminates in the acceptance and promotion of homosexuality. Paul explains this downward spiral in Romans 1. Paul did not invent this explanation. It is actually found in the Old Testament. Paul is an Old Testament scholar. Let’s take a look at what Paul probably used as his text. There is a portion of Scripture in the book of Judges runs parallel with Paul’s description in Romans 1. Let’s take a look at the story. In Judges 1, we see the end of a period of strong leadership. Continue reading

Does God still judge sexual sin today?

I have been teaching the Bible study “The Truth about sex” written by Kay Arthur since 2004 when I first studied it for my own personal walk with the Lord. I was amazed to see how practical the Word of God is in the area of human sexuality. One of the lessons that hit home with me was the fact that God still judges sexual sin today, as He did in the Old Testament.

I grew up after the sexual revolution and so a warped form of human sexuality was given to me at an early age, via mass media, public school, and from friends and their “experiences”. I also grew up hearing that God is not the same as He was in the Old Testament because Jesus changed all of the teachings of the Old Testament. My whole world was rocked after studying this lesson. Continue reading

I almost bought some Girl Scout cookies today . . .

I was out and about today, running some errands for my dear wife and children. As I pulled in the parking lot of a local store, I saw the sign and immediately thought of those delicious samoas that were waiting for me. I reached for my money and then I remembered, the Girl Scouts support Planned Parenthood. I stopped in my tracks, put the money back in my pocket, and entered the store to look for a tasty alternative.

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Homosexuals can be transformed by God

For those who claim that homosexuals are born the way that they are and cannot be changed, please take a look at this article about a gay man who was transformed by God. God can forgive and transform anyone and we all need it because we are all sinners.

“One must always remember that these are deeply wounded and suffering people: they need your sympathy, compassion, and prayers.” Continue reading

Does America really need a LGBT history month?

I was shocked to learn of this news the other day, the fact that Obama has declared the month of June as “Homosexual Pride” month and that homosexual activists have declared the month of October (conveniently while children are in school) as “LGBT History” month.

I would love to know your thoughts on this. I am shocked at this blatant propaganda but at the same time I am not surprised. This is how the homosexual agenda works and it started 1,000s of years ago, all the way back in the book of Genesis. Here are some insights on the homosexual agenda. Continue reading

Should you be forced to endorse gay marriage if it is against your conscience?

I came across this article today and thought it would be good to share with you. The people who embrace and promote the homosexual lifestyle claim to want freedom of choice while, at the same time, promote laws that would limit the choices of people who may not agree with the homosexual agenda and lifestyle. This response is well thought out and specifically for a person who does not know if he should be forced to endorse gay marriage just because of his business. I really enjoyed the answer and I think that it is very thought provoking. Continue reading