Why is the pro traditional marriage discussion needed in churches?

I would like to begin this article with a few quotes from my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

13 “You are the salt of the earth ; but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men. 14 “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden ; 15 nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. 16 “Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 5) Continue reading

Are homosexuals fit parents?

Back in 2005, the APA (American Psychological Association), a once respected organization before being highjacked by the gay agenda, produced a comprehensive study claiming that children raised by homosexual couples were just as likely to be “normal” and lead normal lives as children who are raised by heterosexual couples. This was to be the end all argument that would silence the people who claimed that homosexuality is dangerous for society. Those who promoted homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle instead of a dangerous threat to society began to “dance in the streets” closing the mouths of any opposition with this article. Continue reading

Homosexuals never miss an opportunity to promote and impose their lifestyles on others

I have not written much about the homosexual agenda here lately. I wish I never had to write about it. If there were not continual promotion on their part, imposing their lifestyle on the public and spreading their propaganda then I would not have to write. I know that they will never stop because their manner and actions have already been described in the Word of God. I have written about how homosexuality is openly promoted in the public schools. There is much proof and you can read some of the articles here. Continue reading

Are you surprised B. Hussein Obama won, I am not

Good day. As a Christian, did you wake up this morning feeling a bit discouraged at how people could vote for a pro abortion, pro gay marriage, pro forced charity candidate? I did not because I have been talking with some “Christians” over the last few days about the issues and for whom a genuine Christian should cast his or her vote. The Bible does not name a candidate or a party because they change like the wind. The Bible explains the values and character of a person who should lead a country. I was a little discouraged to hear some of the justifications that people use for voting against life and traditional marriage. Here are a couple of those “righteous” excuses. Continue reading

Good Job North Carolina

The good people of North Carolina made a statement that must be heard and appreciated. We live in an age of liberal activist judges shredding the Constitution by forcing people to accept a controversial way of life that they may or may not agree with by not allowing the people to vote on Gay marriage but instead, they force laws on the people. The same is true with the legalization of abortion. If the people were ever able to vote on the issue, abortion would become illegal almost overnight since much of the country is against it. But, that is how liberal legal activism works, you do not allow the people to vote, you just force laws upon them. Continue reading

Another misinterpreted text by the pro homosexual crowd

I thought I had seen just about every possible scheme from the pro homosexual crowd in their trying to spin and reinterpret the Bible to excuse their sinful lifestyles. I have seen people claim that Jonathan and David from the Old Testament were homosexual lovers. I have heard others call Ruth and Naomi lesbians. Both of those accusations are absurd but people will do just about anything to try and calm their conscious and justify their actions. The newest pro homosexual Biblical passage spun to try and convince everyone that the Bible does not condemn homosexuality is the Roman officer and his servant. Here is the passage. The account is found in two of the synoptic Gospels. Continue reading

Win the fight against AIDS = Stop the spread of homosexuality

Today is December 1 or International AIDS awareness day. The world spends billions on a yearly basis to try and stop the spread of AIDS and at the same time promotes the homosexual lifestyle which spreads AIDS faster than any other lifestyle (even faster than IV drug users). In this article, you will find more, up to date information about the spread of AIDS among the homosexual community. It is counter productive to stand on one branch and chop that same branch from the tree. That is what is happening with the AIDS awareness movement. If we combat immorality then we will make tremendous strides in stopping the spread of HIV/AIDS. As long as immorality is promoted as an alternative way of life, we will continue to lose the battle against this STD. May God help us to be wise as serpents and as gentle as doves in this battle.

Homosexuals are against the poor and needy of society

Have you heard the latest news from the homosexual crowd? It is quite shocking. Before jumping in and looking at what homosexuals are doing to hurt the poor and needy this year I would like to present what the Bible says about the attitude that homosexuals have towards other people. This can be found in Genesis 19 as well as in Ezekiel 16.

1) Unified – all them men came from every corner of the city

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Still don’t think homosexuality is dangerous?

I just found some new info on the dangers of homosexuality. There are many who say that this is a harmless, alternative lifestyle that should be promoted just like heterosexuality. I could not disagree more. I have written much on this subject but I have to continue because the evidence continues to mount against homosexuality. It is dangerous for children to be around homosexuals. Read why here. Homosexuals are targeting children. See how here. They want to teach children in the public schools. HIV/AIDS is an epidemic among homosexuals in the USA.  Continue reading

Speak out against the dangers of homosexuality and you get attacked

I find it odd that those who practice or support homosexuality usually cry for “tolerance” until it is their turn to be tolerant and then they throw “tolerance” (as well as civility) out the door. I have written about how homosexuals are intolerant of those with whom they do not agree. I have written about their deceptive, as well as aggressive tactics. You can read these articles on my blog. In fact, I will link to several of the articles in this one. Continue reading