Homosexuals and child molestation

I have had the privilege this past week of spending a few days with Dr. Paul Cameron and his wife as they have been sharing with the citizens of Moldova about the dangers of homosexuality, especially to our children. Based on the arguments shared by Mr. Cameron, I want to preach a sermon this Sunday morning at the church. I was not surprised to see the results of Mr. Cameron’s research. I would like to share the sermon here with you in article form. (check out his info at the Family Research Institute website)

I. Homosexuality promises financial prosperity. We live in a material world where people will literally sell their souls in order to gain the world. The motto of the day is “live for the here and now and do not worry about tomorrow”. The idea of accepting homosexuality is promoted left and right, but of course, the negative consequences are avoided and the “benefits” (usually in the financial form) are promoted. This is nothing new. This happened in the very beginning.

And Lot lifted up his eyes and saw that the Jordan Valley was well watered everywhere like the garden of the LORD, like the land of Egypt, in the direction of Zoar. (This was before the LORD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.) Genesis 13:10

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Just a thought

man_thinking Anytime I have a discussion either in person or online, I hear a common point offered by homosexuals and their supporters. The point being, homosexuality is not unnatural because it happens among some of the animal groups. That is the end all argument that cannot be countered (at least that is what they believe). I thought about the logic of this argument and came to an interesting conclusion. Is it acceptable among people because it happens in the animal kingdom? If that is the case then I have a question. Many animals eat there young, so is it okay for human parents to eat their offspring?

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Homosexuals strike again, in California

gay-history The homosexual agenda and its propaganda machine are at it again in California. As I have written in many other posts, the homosexual agenda wants to manipulate little children who do not know how distinguish between good and evil. They are using the tactics of Hitler, brainwash little children and you will have faithful servants for life. Big tobacco companies did the same things in the 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s in the USA and now we have generations of smokers who have been hooked for life because of these brainwashing tactics. Continue reading

Let the people vote New York!!!

The homosexual movement strikes again. This time in New York. Instead of allowing the citizens of New York to vote on the matter, the homosexual movement has once again pressured the lawmakers to make laws via loopholes. When people are given the right to choose whether to allow the degradation of society by allowing gay marriage or not, they choose traditional marriage every single time. Continue reading

Gay columnist admits that the gay agenda is child indoctrination

I have written several articles about the homosexual movement, focusing on the fact that homosexuals are not born but must be “converted” to the homosexual lifestyle. One of the tactics of the homosexual movement is to get their propaganda in the public schools system so that they can have constant access to new “recruits”. Now we have even more proof of the existence of this tactic, shared by a gay reporter. Daniel Villarreal shared the following bit of info while discussing the debate of allowing gay marriage in the state of New York. In his own words, Continue reading

Another way to legalize gay marriage without letting the people vote

Homosexuals and their supporters are not for the democratic process because they know when they allow the American people to vote, we vote for traditional marriage and against “nontraditional” (gay) marriage. Since homosexuals and their supporters know that they cannot impose their views on the rest of the nation via the democratic process, they just invent loopholes to force their way of life upon everyone. This is very similar to the homosexuals of Sodom. If you read the case in the Bible in Genesis 19, you will see that the homosexuals had infiltrated every aspect of society, that they were very insistent on their way of life and fulfilling their warped desires, as well as shameless. If anyone spoke out against their evil actions they used the same tactics that the homosexual movement uses today, “who are you to judge us”. Read this article to see the latest loophole found by the homosexual movement to propagate and impose their way of life on everyone. What are your thoughts?

Is there a gay gene?

I hate to keep pointing out the same problems over and over again but I just cannot help pointing out propaganda when I see it. Homosexuality is dangerous and must not be promoted as a virtue. There is not conclusive evidence that homosexuality is inborn. There is no “gay gene” that proves that homosexuality is not a choice. The Bible teaches that homosexuality is a choice like any other sexual activity, yet pro homosexual groups blatantly lie to people in order to promote their propaganda. The picture that you see in is taken in Romania and claims that babies are born homosexual, it is neither a choice nor a disease. Again, there is not conclusive proof that homosexuality is inborn. This is what the pro homosexuals want you to “believe”. Why? So that their lifestyle will be accepted and promoted within society. This is how the next generation of homosexuals must be recruited. Why do we allow people to promote propaganda openly?