Four things that keep us from experiencing genuine Christian community

efnl_camp_2011_thumb.jpgIf you have never studied the book of Ecclesiastes then I would encourage you to read it. When you do, you must be very careful not to miss the main point of the book. As a reader of any literature, you must use the rules of composition to help you understand the idea that the author wants to get across. If you do not use these rules, then you may miss the main point. Ecclesiastes is not a book that you just want to read. It is a book that you need to study so that you can understand what King Solomon wanted to get across.

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Are homosexuals fit parents?

Back in 2005, the APA (American Psychological Association), a once respected organization before being highjacked by the gay agenda, produced a comprehensive study claiming that children raised by homosexual couples were just as likely to be “normal” and lead normal lives as children who are raised by heterosexual couples. This was to be the end all argument that would silence the people who claimed that homosexuality is dangerous for society. Those who promoted homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle instead of a dangerous threat to society began to “dance in the streets” closing the mouths of any opposition with this article. Continue reading

Christians and Poverty (social justice)

During the previous election cycle, I spoke with many people about voting for Christian values and unfortunately, many no longer consider pro life and pro traditional marriage as “the most important” or “only issues”. When confronted with what the Bible teaches on the subject, the most frequently used argument is some form of social justice. Are Christians not supposed to take care of the poor and needy of society? Did Jesus not do that when He ministered on this earth? Does Saint James not speak about taking care of widows and orphans? Continue reading

Be grateful to God at all times (Psalm 50)

God will judge our ungrateful attitudes.

 A Psalm of Asaph. The mighty God, Jehovah, has spoken, and called the earth from the rising of the sun to its going down. Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God has shone. Our God comes, and He is not silent; a fire shall devour before Him, and it shall be very stormy all around Him. He shall call to the heavens from above, and to the earth, so that He may judge His people. Gather My saints to Me; and those who cut My covenant by sacrifice. And the heavens shall declare His righteousness; for God Himself is judge. Selah. (Psa 50:1-6) Continue reading

The role of the family in society

It has been said that the family is the bedrock of society and can be proven by the fact that all over the world every society is structured by the same pattern. A man and woman marry and form a family. This process is repeated multiple times making multiple families which form villages, regions, and eventually countries. When several countries come together they form a continent and all of the continents make up the world. The foundation of this entire process is the family. I propose in this essay that the family has a crucial role in society by being a model of love in three different aspects; love for the children, love between husband and wife, and finally love in promoting moral values. Continue reading

Church Bible study on debt

Last night our church held a Bible study led by our senior pastor, Vasile Filat. The study was about money and specifically, about debt. It was a great time of fellowship and very insightful for all. I would like to present some of the main truths from the study. I want to thank pastor Vasile for such a wonderful time. I pray that God will continue to bless and protect his family as he faithfully serves the flock here in Moldova and all over the world.

Have you ever met people who never can seem to get out of debt? They work and pay their bills as best that they can yet it seems like they are always behind. Maybe you are this person. Here are a few reasons why some people get in and stay in debt. Continue reading

What did Judas do with the betrayal money and how did he die?

The atheist’s supposed contradiction:

Matthew 27:5 – “So Judas threw the money into the temple and left. Then he went away and hanged himself.”

Acts 1:18 – “With the reward he got for his wickedness, Judas bought a field; there he fell headlong, his body burst open and all his intestines spilled out.”

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The dangers of not knowing sound biblical doctrine

open bible I was looking through my notes as I prepare to teach the Winter session in Warsaw, Poland in a couple of months. The session is “Biblical Doctrines” and the study that we will “tackle” in order to learn Biblical doctrines is “Covenant” written by Kay Arthur. As I was looking through my notes I decided to write a post on what the Bible has to say about the dangers of not knowing “sound doctrine”. The word “doctrine” comes from the Koine Greek word “didaskalia”and it means “teaching, instruction, precept, explanation”. Doctrine informs us of what God wants from us, what is right and wrong, and how we can live by God’s standards. There are terrible consequences to not knowing sound doctrine. I would like to present what the Bible has to say about the subject of not knowing “sound doctrine”.

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Does the Bible teach that parents are to kill their children for being rude?

I want to write this in response to an atheist who claims that the Bible is absurd because of Its teachings on the parent/child relationship. He claims that the Bible teaches that parents must kill their “rude” children (although he does not define what “rude” means). He puts no effort in to understanding a text from the Bible. Like most atheists, he is quote mining or cherry picking verses and trying to use them against the Bible. Atheists usually ask that you refrain from using the Bible as a source when defending the Bible yet they try and use the Bible against Itself day and night. They have a very obvious double standard (but that is a different topic that we can cover later). Here is the info from the atheist’s blog. Continue reading