Battlefield of the Mind

young man reading small bible

I am preparing a sermon that I will soon preach at Southern Calvert Baptist Church. I’m actually going to have a trial run today with some teens at our home school Co-Op at our church. We are all engaged in a daily battle over what occupies our thoughts because whatever occupies our thoughts will determine our actions. To whom do you surrender? That is an important question because the answer to that question will determine whom you worship. We were all created to worship God but, if we do not worship God, we will worship something or someone else. Continue reading

Our spiritual enemy

I am getting ready to teach during our 5th-6th grade Sunday School this Sunday and the topic of our lesson is found in Revelation 12.

This lesson reveals that we have a spiritual enemy, someone who has been active from the beginning and will continue to be active until the end. Let’s see what we can learn about him to determine what we need to do in order to have victory in this battle.

I. The enemy and his friends

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Trained soldiers needed!

As we have been working through II Timothy as a staff, we have noticed that God has given us an amazing treasure in the Gospel and He wants us to use It for daily life, as we seek to serve Him by making disciples.

Last week, we learned that the Gospel is a treasure because It is the power of God to transform our lives and set us free from our slavery to sin. It equips us for daily life. Next, we learned to guard the Gospel. We guard the Gospel by retaining the high standard and pass It on to others who will guard It and pass It on to others. Paul was an example in retaining the standard by passing the Gospel on from person to person. Timothy, himself, is proof of Paul’s faithfulness. Continue reading

The full armor of God; the belt of Truth

roman_beltDuring the summer, in children’s church a.k.a. “Big City Clubhouse”, we are covering the full armor of God from Ephesians 6:10-17. Over the past two weeks, we have covered the overview, focusing on the commands given to us, the enemy, and the promises that we have been given by God. It has been neat to see that we are fighting a defeated enemy. All we have to do is prepare for battle and show up and we are guaranteed victory over the enemy every single time. This coming Sunday, we are going to begin focusing on the specific pieces of armor that God has made available to us, beginning with the belt of Truth. Continue reading

Spiritual Warfare

Screen Shot 2017-06-04 at 10.02.25 AMFor the months of June and July, during children’s church, we are going to study about spiritual warfare. Our main text will be Ephesians 6:10-17.

The first lesson is an overview of the battle that we face on a daily basis. First, we have to establish that there is warfare and that there are two camps, those who serve the Lord and those who do not. There is no third team. Indifference and ignorance places you in the “other” team’s camp. Continue reading