Satan’s followers are just like him

While reading a comment addressed to me by an atheist (who claims that neither God not Satan exist) I was stuck by the similarities in this guy’s attitude and the attitude that Satan has in the Bible. I want to present the facts and let you be the judge. Continue reading

Are we “good” people???

As I was teaching the session on “Church Growth” in Warsaw, Poland, I was asked this question, “how do you share the Gospel with people who claim to be “good” people because they have never been immoral or never murdered anyone?”. How would you respond to this question? Jesus said that He did not come for those who are “well” but to those who are “sick”. As we know, all people are in need of God’s salvation, but there are 2 categories; those who understand and admit their need for God and then those who do not realize the need. Jesus dealt with both kinds. With the ones who understood their “need” for the Gospel, Continue reading